Co-housing project for over 55s could ‘free-up’ thousands of family homes
Co-housing Communities Ireland aims to fill gap in housing market it says is faced by middle-aged, older people
Co-housing Communities Ireland aims to fill gap in housing market it says is faced by middle-aged, older people
The UK death rate reached a record low last year, according to exclusive analysis of death certificate data carried out for BBC News.
Young women in Kenya tell the BBC they have used TikTok to sell sexual content since they were teenagers.
How a new atomic clock might be the way to tackle attacks on plane GPS systems
How a new atomic clock might be the way to tackle attacks on plane GPS systems
Pakistani officials have set a deadline to expel foreign nationals living illegally in the country.
Jes Staley wants to overturn a decision by the UK regulator banning him from holding a senior role in the City.
From the explosive Trump meeting to a new deal with Europe
Switzerland's already upmarket tourism sector is trying to attract more high rollers.
McEntee plans to tackle drop-off in school attendance with supports for at-risk pupils