Can Musk damage OpenAI even though his bid has failed?
Experts say his real goal is "stymying" its growth potential as his own AI ventures flounder.
Experts say his real goal is "stymying" its growth potential as his own AI ventures flounder.
Some major carbon-emitting countries are hinting they may follow suit as US decides to ramp up fossil fuels
Europe's hastily convened security summit in Paris is proof of leaders' anxiety about their role in defending Ukraine, the BBC's Katya Adler writes.
Masterpieces by the likes of Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh feature in the collection in Iran's capital.
The leader of an independent whistleblowing agency sued after he was fired by email this month.
The big winners talk of high spirits, heavy trophies and some speech advice they wish they hadn't taken.
Criminals pretending to be bailiffs are tricking people into paying thousands of pounds to settle fictitious debts.
Catherine Cox is certain taking valproate while pregnant caused her son's disabilities.
Officers appear to have rejected every application from former Afghan commandos who fought alongside them.
Officers appear to have rejected every application from former Afghan commandos who fought alongside them.