Ireland weather updates: Warnings ‘likely’ to be upgraded while temperatures could fall to -8 degrees later in the week
Some schools to remain closed on Tuesday while more than 17,000 households and businesses still without electricity
Some schools to remain closed on Tuesday while more than 17,000 households and businesses still without electricity
Activist and writer borrowed money from a friend to establish Coiscéim which published some 1,777 books in Irish, service told
Met Éireann warns of ‘further accumulation of snow’ in new status yellow snow and ice alert as 17,000 without electricity and 43,000 without water
‘Next few days will continue to provide challenges in extremely low temperatures,’ says roads authority
River wall gives way, triggering failure of garden structure along with patio and wastewater pipes
River wall gives way, triggering failure of garden structure along with patio and wastewater pipes
Alan Hall (44), of Conyngham Road, Dublin 8, charged with having imitation handgun in Grattan Bar in Inchicore
Kirstie McGrath (33) and Niamh Mulreany (28) lost Supreme Court challenge to constitutionality of mandatory hotel quarantine
Georges Bouniol, who died aged 98, never got over his daughter’s murder 28 years ago, funeral Mass hears
Three men accused of breaching their duties on day victim (20) drowned at Orchard Leisure Centre